1) Somehow get back into running form without dipping below the average body weight of a woman my age.

2) You'll have to allow me to go all OCD on you for this one...I've now kept a writing log since 2008, at first just keeping a word count while taking notes on the projects I was working on. A couple years later I started keeping track of hours I spent editing, and this year I also started logging the hours I spent in submissions and self-promotion (which of course included developing this website). Here are my numbers for this year:

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My goal for next year will be at least 50,000 words written, 125 editing hours, and 200 hours of self-promotion. I equate for myself roughly 250 words to an hour of work, so this means devoting a total of 475 hours next year (roughly 40 hours a month) to my craft. I'm fine with some variation of the itemized numbers (who knows if I'll spend more or less time editing than writing, and all those hours of self-promotion are dependent on publisher/audience interest) as long as I hit the magic number of 475.

3) Control my OCD impulses so I don't drive my wife crazy. I think the main way I can do this is by making my writing goals quantifiable and clear, so I hit 'em and quit 'em on any given day.

4) Finally, the most important and least quantifiable goal...Holistically integrate my life so that my writing reflects who I am and I live my life honestly, lovingly, and fairly with my wife, children, family, friends, and subjects.

Happy New Year, loves!

AuthorJohn Proctor